Philippians 2:1-11
Verses 1-2 When we read that statement, “if there is any encouragement in Christ” Paul is not asking as if they doubt that there could be encouragement in Christ. Paul is asking a question knowing the answer. And he knows that his audience knows the answer. Paul is saying, “you have found encouragement in belonging…
James 5:15a
Verse 15a Now what is James saying here? Is he making a promise that if Elders or spiritual leaders pray or anyone praying in faith over someone then the one they are praying for will always be healed? I imagine many of us read verse 15 and we struggle with it because it seems like…
James 5:15b-18
Verse 15b James adds these words to the end of verse 15: “And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.” Not only is God able to heal physically but more importantly he is also able to forgive our sins. And when James writes these words (along with his words in verse 16 in…