Category Christian Living

1-Minute Witness

God gives us opportunties to develop both long-term and short-term relationships when it comes to being witnesses of the one true God. Most of the time we are looking for those long-term relationships where we can get to know people…

Becoming An Outward Family

As humans we are naturally selfish. One of the first words that we learn to speak is “mine.” And one of our first struggles is learning to share with others. The human left on his own is consumed with themselves.…

Abram’s Call To Bless The Nations

In Genesis chapter 12 we see the beginning of God establishling a people for His own. And while we might think that God establishing His own people would create a nation that would go inward, God actually established this exlusive…

Noah The Evangelist?

The biblical account of Noah is one of the most famous stories in the Bible. When we think of Noah sometimes we picture an old man with a long white beard standing on the deck of an ark with animals…